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You’ve Got to Be Kidding…. Sprint raises texting charges to 20 Cents!!!! August 28, 2007

Posted by Tell it like it TI is! in Scam, SMS, SMS charges, Sprint, Sprint Scam, text messaging.
1 comment so far

OK PTIers,

As soon as you think you’ve seen it all from Sprint, YOU AIN’T SEEN NUTHIN!!!!  Sprint has announced that they will be raising their text messaging rate five cents on Oct. 1 to 20 cents per message!  Wasn’t it about this time last year that they raised it to 15 cents from a dime??? 

But it even gets better.  Remember last year when we talked about being able to get out of your contract because of the term change with no termination fee??  Well, apparently when you agreed to 15 cents you also bought in to the new terms of a new agreement that now allows terms of service to change!!!! 

So what does this mean?? This means that if you want to change your plan or cancel, you have to pay a fee or at least honor the contract (which you were scammed into in the first place), but now Sprint can flip the script any time it chooses with no problem!!  I can’t believe this!!!

Is there any PTIer out there that can confirm this or give us any advise.  Show me the door and I will break it down to get out of my agreement!!!